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Welcome to our online Guestbook.
Below you find more detailed info about our guestbook in general.
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Why an online guestbook?
We can imagine that not everyone wants to write a review or rating, but would like to leave us a note. This guestbook gives you the possibility to do just that. It is an online version of an oldfashion guestbook where you could write something personal for the owners but also for other customers to read.
Rating & Reviews
Our guestbook is not a rating or review tool and also not a way to build a client database. It´s simply a way to share information online with us, friends or family and everyine who reads the book. There are no obligations, there is no need to leave an email or to create an account. We just hope to receive many spontaneous reactions based on your stay with us that you would like to share. Those notes we will cherish and stay in our memories, but hopefully also in yours.
Of course if you want to rate us, we are happy with that, you can use the existing tools for that
Click here  to see our reviews or create one.
A few user notes
Our guestbook uses a few standard options that we can´t change at this moment. The app we use has standard a rating option and an email option. The rating option you can just skip and the tool will show you  how to skip the email option. 
It is possible that you have questions about this book or others things. In that case you can always contact us through our contact page. 
Looking forward to many nice comments from you! 
Kind regards,
Robert & Tine
Guestbook RoberTine
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